Monday, April 27, 2009

Trade Center, Sports Venue Corridor

Remember when I posted a corridor of trees? Well now I'm going to show another corridor.
First Corridor: The corridor of pathway consist of rocks ornaments pillar
This is the pathway connecting one sport venue to another venue. I might say that this is natural and very neat indeed.

Second: The corridor of pathway in the trade center, we can see rows of rollingdor which is the cover of the trade place cluster unit.
Still close for now, a lot of trader who already owned the unit hasn't moved yet to this new place of trading. This trade center is smaller than a mall. But very popular among trader or businessman for a small-scale business. We can see that one unit already open the business which is by known that is the place for fixing game console. Other business as well that we can establish in this trade center are trading electronic components, trading electronic equipments, selling automotive spare part, and etc if u wish the things you sell ca give you a lot of profit.

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