Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Parking Man

Unlike in the western country, in my country Parking retribution especially in the public or main street for the frontliner (on the field) held by an operator which is called parking man (person with the yellow suit in my photo). The main functions or the job descriptions for this man are:
1. To arrange the car or motorcycle in the appropriate parking space and
2. To collect the retribution or parking fee directly from the driver.
Parking fee for 1 car for the first 2 hours: 10 to 20 cents depends on location or city.
Parking fee for 1 motorcycle for the first 2 hours: 5 to 10 cents depends on location or city.
Chain flow for the retribution money:
People who used/driver-->Parking Man-->Head of Group or Location-->Local Government Staff who in charge.

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