Sunday, December 2, 2012

Re-use Principle

This plastic case is used to be my nephew belonging. But since he won't used it anymore so I take it. And my initiative to re-use it by re functioned the case that supposed to hold the diecast collection to place my belonging such as USB Flash disk, modem, etc. So this is my actual action for one of the green principle which is Reuse stuff.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Nice decor implementing scene

This is nice decor for interior design actuation for implementing scene in the European country where birds flying among people in the street.
The bird replica is very expensive. But that is not taxidermy product. That is pure handmade creation which is good quality almost same with the real one. Nice interior design plan. This design is made for fashion retail store. I believe this is classic European theme.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Great website for International Fans of JKT48

For those who living abroad or fans of JKT48 who live in another country (international fans). You can update your information about JKT48 by visiting great website: In this website you can find news, information, updates and more features of JKT48, all in English. But still the official website is
Support JKT48 and 48 Family.

Monday, October 1, 2012

JKT48 Theater Show

JKT48 theater, Indonesia most sophisticated show presented by JKT48 and 48 girls. Come and see them.

JKT48 Theater, fX Lifestyle X’enter 4th floor
Pintu Satu Sudirman, Jakarta

Save energy using led lamp

Have you consider to change the way you choose lamp?
Nowadays we are using popular fluorescent lamp. Now they are releasing new LED lamp. More efficient 3 Watt consider same light with 12-15 Watt fluorescent lamp. Although it is till expensive but the life product is more long than fluorescent lamp.
This is I try one for one room.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Old Economic Book

This old book looks good. Do you believe that this book is printed in 1967? even nowadays book is not using hardcover anymore. Although I forgot to take picture inside the book. But i can tell you that printed content is good quality.

Not only because the physical condition but the book "Modern Economics" subject is still relevant for these days.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Deform papaya tree

Yes..this is quite strange for a papaya tree. A combination of purposed forming and the lack nutrition of soil considering that the soil  have a lot of mineral material. So they growth with lack of nutrition for plants (especially for fruit plants). This place is my hometown.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Rare Pineapple Tree

Have you seen the Pineapple Tree? And this is different kind..the one that not has the barb on the leaf. And found it in village called Wasuponda, Southern Sulawesi, Indonesia. Wasuponda means the pineapple that it can grow on the rock. Beacuse of that they using it as village symbol. And they will come mostly by their self, rare, not knowing when or when will they grow. Because of that the region isn't known to produce a large number of this fruit. The village is well known as buffer zone for the region of Sorowako. Sorowako is the well known as INCO operated to mine nickel.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Idol Group JKT48

This young Idol Group is unbelievable. They are so energetic and full of passion about their work. Singing, dancing, and theatrical play are their main performance. Yes the group is JKT48. The sister group of AKB48 from Japan. JKT48 is from Jakarta Indonesia following the success of their sister group AKB48 in Japan. The JKT48 is more likely to become Idol Group, Idol concept which are Idol that you can meet everyday, close and being loved by their fans. So the one who Idolize the member of the Idol Group can be seeing the improvement of their Idol trough their performance. Although that the concept is come from Japan, but the management in Indonesia always try to collaborate with the culture of Indonesia. More over that recently they have become an icon to promote tourism destination in Indonesia.

This is one of the reason why I like them, 4 different languages capability from each member.

One of their live performance:

Music Video Digest:

Credit for uploader.

Further source:

Monday, July 2, 2012

Paddy rice fields as common village scenery

Paddy rice fields as common village scenery in Indonesia especially in West Java. We can see in the picture is the most happen scene where a lot of fields are about ready to plant paddy rice. So this is very fresh and natural photos given by my friend. There are several coconut trees and other plantation as well. Nice for sightseeing.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The motorcycle service and seller on the big street

My country is affected by the increase or the high price of oil. So the transportation are not really good enough to support their movement because the fee is not efficient because of the gas price and not to comfy. So the best one to gain efficiency is by using motorcycle. And the result is A LOT OF MOTORCYCLE on the road.

This trend accompany the raise business to support the motorcycle. The business are:
-Motorcycle wash
-Selling helmet and motorcycle accessories
-Retail gas
-Fixing puncture tire services (by patching the hole, usually because of nail that lying on the street)
-Body sticker
-Vehicle Plate Number modifying
and others

So the question is .. to become much closer to customer (motorcycle rider) as one of the 'P' factor of marketing mix where is the best place for the business?
On the street/road off course where the motorcycle passing around come and go.
So these are the photos explain about the place or the location.

This is the body sticker services, which is the service for add some plain strong and good quality sticker to cover the body as function to cover scratch, marks, protection. We can see in this photo the costumer wants a white body.

This is patching the hole of a puncture tire service. Beside that we can add our tire air pressure if low or not match with the tire standard air pressure.

This booth is selling the glove or other small part accessories for the motorcycle rider. We can see the blue tent in the far back that I already discuss in

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Street Barber Under The Big Tree

Any idea what or why is this tent about?
Yes this is the place where the people who want to haircut go to. This tent is called in my country as "Cukur Dibawah Pohon Rindang" or "Cukur DPR" or in english we can say Under The Tree Barber Place.

Most of this kind barber is placed in the side of big street which have a big tree (using the green are not the pedestrian). In this street where the photo taken there several who open the business, so it becoming rivalry. This kind of barber has been operate years. But why this kind of barber? These are several excuse:
1. Because is comfy under the tree, not hot, windy, but off course rain is unacceptable.
2.This kind of barber is saving our budget. So this is very economical. The price range around half to 0,8 us dollar. Remember that this is not using particular place like barber shop.
3.The barber man is experience too. Can handle many haircut style. So it is not different with other common barber shop.

Actually i never use this kind barber service..but maybe someday :)

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Church Pentakosta Day Theme

This is Church on Pentecostal Day Theme, we can see ornament to describe the flame of Holy Spirit. Really nice decor. This is taken half our before the worship.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lol moment of dog

This picture is taken by my friend, and he using the text caption for this photo: "c0mbat simulation training..wkwkw" and indeed it is like the same situation .. lol . This is maybe they natural behavior but.. it is funny because the position, the shallow ground below the dog, the leg, and the head position like observe something, like a dog soldier. But most of the important thing is that my friend care so much for the dog.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Incomplete wafer

I found this in my stack of wafers in one pack, if you look closely we can see that there is no much chocolate layer in the middle of the wafer. I think that can happen when in the line of production, the chocolate is running out. And it didn't enough to make a complete 1 or series of wafer product. And there is several others in the pack, so i guess this is from the same production series when it happen. Too bad that this kind of product pass through quality control. But when I'm thinking the production situation, there is always indicator for how much material/ingredients and they have warning mechanism in case that the material/ingredients is about to empty, so there is must be an inspector for that situation. Well..i don't know exactly what happen, but... could it be that actually they release it on purpose? Or there is another reason causing that incomplete/fault product?

Friday, March 16, 2012

Scout movement: inauguration for the first rank/level

This is an inauguration for my nephew first level scout. We can see in the photo that he already received a tie that tile like national flag. I really proud of him. I hope that he will continue the achievement and reach for the higher level. But this is not only about rank or reward. This is about scout movement that can give you how to cooperate with friends, care about your environment, independent or autonomous and others stuff that build a strong personal character and can contribute positively to society and furthermore for the country. And off course for his personal progress, development and maturity.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Concrete Made Stair through hill park

Stair and trees environment in the hill park that connecting parking at the top land and sports area down land. Just love the scene..simple but nice.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Mothers Day Card Box

This is a late post about it but..i found this interesting photos about my nephew concept design of card for mothers day.
His design:
And the actualization of the concept made by his mother:

So this actually a card with a different concept..he using a box as a greeting/celebration card