Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Incomplete wafer

I found this in my stack of wafers in one pack, if you look closely we can see that there is no much chocolate layer in the middle of the wafer. I think that can happen when in the line of production, the chocolate is running out. And it didn't enough to make a complete 1 or series of wafer product. And there is several others in the pack, so i guess this is from the same production series when it happen. Too bad that this kind of product pass through quality control. But when I'm thinking the production situation, there is always indicator for how much material/ingredients and they have warning mechanism in case that the material/ingredients is about to empty, so there is must be an inspector for that situation. Well..i don't know exactly what happen, but... could it be that actually they release it on purpose? Or there is another reason causing that incomplete/fault product?

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